Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14


About us

Our mission is to foster the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development of underserved children around the world. We do so by providing vital resources to those in need, supplying their physical and intangible needs.


Are you ready to join the party?


Learn about the challenges faced by the children we work with. Use your voice, your influence, and your platform to advocate for meaningful change on their behalf!”


Whether hosting a lunch for your network of contacts, or serving as a volunteer in one of our community projects, there are many opportunities available to help and serve.

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CASA Baez Segura provides practical and spiritual support to vulnerable children from ages 0 to 13 in poor and under-served communities so they can take on their world.

© 2024 Casa Baez Segura. All rights reserved.